Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Part 2

I love having the school year end so my little chicks can be home and have a break from the  routines and structure, but I also love having school start so that we can get back into routine and structure! I'm such a fickle mom!
Today is the first full day of school.  Yesterday they went to pick up their schedules and get a locker.  They were home by lunch time! I still managed to get some grape juice canned and find my kitchen, but there is still a ton to do to regain order and control!  I am looking forward to it!
Aww control... Back to school also brings adjustments with Jacob's schedule. Feeding him before 10:00 am, getting him to bed on time so he can get up in the morning and figuring out his day at school.  We have a wonderful school to work with!  The administration, teachers, bus drivers, EA's (educational Aides) and students are amazing to listen and work through what needs looking at.  I am grateful.  But I always find myself debating over what to bring up and what to let go.  I have come to see that I like to have control and it is the most difficult when it comes to my children~ especially Jacob who can't speak up for himself.  (Although yesterday when we were talking about having him eat lunch in the cafeteria he let us know with out a doubt that he did NOT want that to happen!)
My goal is always to be a part of a working team trying to do what is best for Jacob and those working with him.  I never want to be the cranky mother pounding my fist on the table making demands, (I haven't found that to be very effective) but there is a fine balance between what to fight for and what to let go.  Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don't.  I am grateful for the patience of others.
It is one part of being Jacob's mom that always keeps me guessing and I don't always like being that person who has to rock the boat. But lets face it, sometimes we don't get very far with out a few waves!  I hope that I am getting better at letting others have a turn at the ores. That's what this journey with Jacob seems to be about, learning and growing.  Some times it can be painful, but for the most part it is a beautiful experience! One that I appreciate everyday!
I hope you have  beautiful day, I plan to!

(Check out the Consumer Reports)


Unknown said...

It's so true that sometimes some table pounding is necessary. You are Jacob's Mom and main advocate! As you said, without him having a 'voice', you know his language and his likes and dislikes and if those things or needs are not being met, then pound away. I hope all of your kids have a great new school year! <3

Uncle Lindy said...

I love reading your blog. Hugs to you and your family.


The Travellin' mom said...

Thank you for your comments! I love to hear from you!